Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Preparing to shoot from the top of Mt. Haleakala in Hawaii. Since we were in Hawaii for my HS years I had to surf despite what my shirt might suggest (the former MN North Stars!) Posted by Hello


Well, I wasn't planning on becoming a "blogger" but my favorite HS Soccer team requires registration before commenting on their website (understandably) so that has led me to this point. I'm a former camera geek, as I was reminded at my recent HS reunion, and I've been experiencing something of a personal renaissance in that area. I get a kick out of documenting my nephews & niece playing 'the beautiful game' which I enjoyed as a player, manager & coach for over 20 years in St Louis & Chicago. Since my body won't let me play, this is a great way to stay involved while also feeding my camera habit. I've expanded to video in the past couple of years and I'm working on a family history that gives me even more reasons to play with the camera and camcorder. Check out my .mac homepage for examples.