Wednesday, March 09, 2005

a fresh wind at my back

It's hard for me to admit because I am a geek at heart and the primary PC/Internet resource for my family and small circle of friends but damn, this web stuff can get your head spinning in ways I have not experienced since differential equations I guess. I was going to say 'since my first kiss' but that's the wrong side of the brain for this discussion at least.

March and it's proverbial 'in like a lion' behaviour has been good for me. I've hired a young man to help me develop a professional website for my sales & marketing consulting business. He's a very talented writer, a budding entrepreneur with an independent film theatre he & his wife are opening and an inveterate blogger. With his help I'm going to establish a website that has as it's back end the open source WordPress blogging software. Thanks go out to my friend Bob who opened my eyes to the ability to use blogging as a content management tool. He uses Blogger for two soccer sites, for a local high school team as well as the middle school team that he also coaches. I'm using the hosting company he recommended as well,, and it's turning out pretty well. There will be plenty more about that in future posts.

I've also got two additional domains that will be going up this year as well. The first will be a soccer video & photography production site, focused on prep and college soccer in the Ozarks region in Southwest Missouri. Right now I'm using a .Mac site but I should have that migrated before the fall season begins when my subscription expires. A link to that site is available in my profile.

The third site will be a genealogy site, focused on sharing the photos, videos, documents and stories I have been collecting on my family over the past decade. I'm a 2nd generation Scandinavian, born to a 1st generation Norwegian father and 1st generation Swedish mother. I visited Norway in March 2002 and met many of my father's first cousins, as well as visiting the farm my grandfather left in 1907 to move to the US. My hope is to do the same thing in Sweden sometime in the next few years. My Mom's grandfather came to the US in 1893 it appears while her father arrived in 1917, marrying my grandmother in 1925 in Minneapolis. Yah, dat's right, I'm a Scandi...

So here's my objective. First, I'm having a great time being a camera geek again and experimenting and learning more about photography and video and writing. As a sales & marketing consultant to technology firms, the internet and it's myriad tools are only going to become more important. So this blog will become my journal and reference tool for learning how to incorporate my interests and share them via the internet. Hopefully my family will benefit, personally and in their careers, in the same way that I already have. If you have found this site and learned anything, or have something to share with me in my journey, I look forward to hearing from you. Skol!


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